Zwischentöne –
Geschlechterbilder und ihre Stimmen
Votragsstunde der Opernklasse der Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
6. Mai 2010, 18 Uhr, Kleiner Saal der Musik Akademie Basel
SängerInnen der Opernklasse in Szenen aus
Maria Antonia Walpurgis – Talestri, regina delle amazzoni
Jean-Baptiste Lully – Persée
Agostino Steffani – Servio Tullio
Antonio Caldara – Achille in Sciro
Musikalische Leitung – Francesco Pedrini
Regie – Manfred Weiss
Kostüme – Silvana Arnold
Konzept und Dramaturgie – Christine Fischer
(c) Silvana Arnold
(c) Silvana Arnold
»performances of a gendered and sexed self are partly, though certainly not entirely, performances of and through the body [...].For musical performance, too, is partly (but not entirely) the culturally intelligible performance of bodies. Much musical ›composition‹ can be described as the translation of ideas so they can be performed through bodies.«
Suzanne Cusick, ›On Musical Performances of Gender and Sex‹, in: Elaine Barkin, Lydia Hamessley (Hgg.),
Audible Traces: Gender Identity and Music, Zürich, 1999